sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2023



Dizem que é uma espécie de... ecologia espiritual! A ecosofia, a metafísica da ecologia?

«Every effort to be made to prevent lost generations of young people growing up with no knowledge of or connection to the natural world. Some schools are able to take their pupils to camps, city and country farms and to visit the countryside. It is encouraging to hear about the development of ‘Forest Schools’ for young folk and even the Japanese concept of ‘Forest Bathing’ for people with little opportunity to envelop themselves in the wilderness. Any kind of outdoor experience is so valuable. Learning about growing things, about birds and wild animals, insects and bees, butterflies and ladybirds, enriches the soul.

None of these activities costs money, but rather the spending of time on spiritual exploration and adventure. It may seem difficult to see that looking at a wild flower will offer a connection to the Creator but if these simple adventures don’t happen, there can be a spiritual void[GREEN, 2022: 10]


«In this book many traditional ideas about Nature and sustaining our relationship whit the green world may be explored. We can all rebuild or extend our connection to wild places, to trees and stones, to plants and animals, to rivers and oceans, and to the tides and cycles of our ever-turning planet. We can restore the ancient magical arts which have guided people since the Stone Age, learn to heal ourselves and perhaps others, and through this help heal the Earth. By respecting life we can develop a modern spiritual impulse that honours the past, works with change and creates hope for the future.» [GREEN, 2022: 11]


«Most people who were shut in longed to walk in green spaces, or go to the beach, or a holiday destination. To desire to go out into Nature. Even in cities gardens, parks and river or coastlines make up quite a large proportion of the landscape, but before Covid 19 we were able to ignore it and concentrate on the built for what it offered us. (…) Many people were ‘Nature-deficient’, especially children. Being outdoors allows our bodies to absorb essential Vitamin D, even on cloudy days, which is vital to our wellbeing. But daylight, unfiltered by a building, is important to our mental and spiritual health too.» [GREEN, 2022: 172-173]


«Open your inner eyes to the source of life and practice Spiritual Ecology – you will know the magic is real.» [GREEN, 2022: 174]



GREEN, Marian. 2022. An Introduction to Spiritual Ecology – The Magic of Nature. Ramsbury: Robert Hale.

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