sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2023

Novos Caminhos

João Mariano © Lugares Pouco Comuns (2000)

«There are thoughts we can anticipate, glimpsed in the distance along existing thought pathways.

There is a future that is simply the present, streched out further.

There is not-yet thought that arrives - yet here we are thinking it in the paradoxical flicker of this very sentence.

If we want thought different from the present - if we want to change the present - then thought must be aware of this kind of future.

It is not a future into we can progress.

This future is unthinkable. Yet here we are, thinking it.

Coexisting, we are thinking future coexistence. Predicting it and more: keeping the unpredictable one open.

Yet such future, the open future, has become taboo.

Because it is real, yet beyond concept.

Because it is weird.


To be a thing at all - a rock, a lizard, a human - is to be in a twist.

How thought longs to twist and turn like a serpent poetry!


The needle skipped the groove of the present.

Into this dark forest you have already turned.

I take present to mean for the last twelve years. A butterfly kiss of the geological time.«

~ MORTON, Thimothy. 2016. Dark Ecology: for a logic of future coexistence. New York: Columbia University Press.


That is, romanticism is to blame for everything?

Romanticism made the world knowable and the reader invulnerable to its influence. Nature, on the one hand, has a certain "magic", as the romantic writers write, but, on the other hand, it is strictly regulated and subject to the laws of logic. This thesis reflects Timothy Morton's literary background: dark ecology does not grow out of the philosophy of nature, but out of his studies of the literature of British romanticism. However, it is not so important whether romanticism really influenced the formation of the modern picture of the world so significantly. The important thing is that it has become generally accepted.


© Spirit of Old

O importante é a mudança de paradigma(s) que se está a instalar paulatinamente, nas sociedades ditas “Ocidentais”, desde o Renascimento, e que sofreu um significativo incremento com o pré-romantismo e o romantismo, digamos “naturalistas”. Uma lenta, mas inexorável, transição, que se traduz em novas formas de conceber e sentir o mundo: o (micro e o macro) cosmos. Uma espécie de utopia impregnada pelo forte vivenciar das inter-relações entre todos os seres, humanos e não-humanos, bióticos e abióticos, consubstanciada por uma eco-lógica e, simultaneamente, por uma eco-sensitividade holísticas. Um mundo ecocêntrico, pleno de seres sencientes. 

Importante é que esse mundo novo, que já se vislumbra, irá muito para além do romantismo (e escusado será dizer de iluminismos, positivismos ou outros estreitos “ismos”). O novo mundo será integrativo e inclusivo… O novo pensamento revolucionário (de revolare: voltar a voar) estará intimamente envolvido na prática, porque a mente/corpo “estarão unos e passarão” inevitavelmente por vivências tão simples e imersivas quanto a marcha bípede. No novo mundo teremos de reaprender a andar.

Novos caminhos. Caminhos mais actuais. Uma orientação nova...

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