sábado, 10 de junho de 2023

Ecology of Mind

The title of this book of collected essays and lectures is intended precisely to define the contents. The essays, spread over thirty-five years, combine to propose a new way of thinking about ideas and about those aggregates of ideas which I call “minds”. This way of thinking I call the “ecology of mind”, or the ecology of ideas. It is a science which does not yet exist as an organized body of theory or knowledge.

But the definition of an “idea” which the essays combine to propose is much wider and more formal than is conventional. The essays must speak for themselves, but here at the beginning let me state the belief that such matters as the bilateral symmetry of an animal, the patterned arrangement of leaves in a plant, the escalation of an armaments race, the processes of courtship, the nature of play, the grammar of a sentence, the mystery of biological evolution, and the contemporary crises in man’s relationship to his environment, can only be understood in terms of such an ecology of ideas as I propose.



BATESON, Gregory. 2000. Steps to an Ecology of Mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

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