quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2015

Restore Hozhó

«This Sunday, June 21st, we will begin the third installment of our journey to each sacred mountain that encompasses our homeland. (…) We will cover 450 milles on this walk, and will see first hand the impacts of uranium contamination, coal mining, oil and gas drilling, as well as the exploitation of water in our homelands. Every step we walk is a prayer for the healing of our land and our people. This is our path, our collective prayer in the hope that we as Diné people will act to restore Hozhó and protect our home.
To our young people, we are calling on you to come and walk for our land and way of life. NihíDiné’e, if we don’t take the time to care for our land and people, no one else will. It’s up to us. This is our time! T’áá Hwó’Ají T’éego! We need your support and guidance (…). Keep us in your prayers.»

terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2015

How to walk

«How to Walk is the fourth title in Parallax’s popular Mindfulness Essentials Series of how-to titles by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, introducing beginners and reminding seasoned practitioners of the essentials of mindfulness practice. Slow, concentrated walking while focusing on in- and out-breaths allows for a unique opportunity to be in the present. There is no need to arrive somewhere—each step is the arrival to concentration, joy, insight, and the momentary enlightenment of aliveness. When your foot touches the Earth with awareness, you make yourself alive and the Earth real, and you forget for one minute the searching, rushing, and longing that rob our daily lives of awareness and cause us to “sleepwalk” through life.»

terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2015

A Flor do Caminho

A segunda edição de A Flor do Caminho está agendada para o dia do sol (domingo) 28 de Junho em  Mon'santo (Lisboa). A junção da "caminhada & chi kung" (chi kung walking) com altos níveis de atenção traduz-se num conjunto de intensas e gratificantes experiências de (re)ligação com a natureza e o si (self)...

«There are many names for walkig with energy: qi walking, life walking, breathwalk, the dance of life. Whatever you may call it, walking makes you feel alive and full of energy. Any walking programs can enhance our vitality and energy in living our life.»
Jack Bray (2006): Walking With Qi: The Nine Jewels of Qigong Walking